And remember the words of the Lord Jesus,
that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35
Nearly one year ago, I made a life-changing decision to take
some time off from school to pursue a fulltime career. Nearly a year later,
while I don’t regret my decision, it has taught me some very important things.
Not only did I realize that the company I felt sure I was put on this earth to
work for wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be, but I also realized that I
have no desire whatsoever to be a part of the modern business world. In fact, I
have become convinced that “the great game of business,” as one college
professor put, is not something that should ever be played by those who know
the Lord and the teachings of His Word.
We are told in 1 Timothy 6:10 that “the
love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have
strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows.” It wasn’t long after I took on my current job that I realized
the real reason that the company exists. It exists to make its owners a lot of
money. Yes, I am fully aware that we all need money to survive, but money
shouldn’t be our reason for living. The people I work for get up every day to
make money. Friends, I want a better reason for waking up than that.
The Bible doesn’t say that money is the
root of all evil; it says that the love
of money is the root of all evil. It isn’t wrong to have money. It isn’t wrong
to have a whole lot of money. However, it is wrong to love money so much that
it becomes your sole purpose for living. Therefore, if you are a business owner
and the only reason your business exists is to provide you with an income, you’re
in trouble. I realize we all need a stable income, but should that really be
the only reason we go to work every day? Think about it.
I think that, if we were to analyze the
mission statements of every business in operation in this country today, we
would be shocked at how many really shouldn’t be in business at all. You see,
if you cannot say that what you do is making a positive impact on your local
community, I don’t believe you should be in business. Even more to the point,
if your main goal is not to serve the local community around you to the point
that you would do what you do for free, you definitely should not be in
I don’t know about you, but I have much
higher goals in life than making money. I want to wake up every morning knowing
that what I am about to do is going to make a difference in the lives of the
people in the local community around me. I want to wake up knowing that I am
going to a job that is good, honorable, and worthwhile. Adrian Rogers said it
well when he said, “If you really want to know how wealthy you are, add
up the things in your life that money can't buy and death cannot take away.”
Money can’t buy a person’s way into Heaven, but your life can lead them there;
and that’s certainly something that death can never take away. So I ask you,
what was your reason for getting up this morning?