And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be
I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
Genesis 2:18
I saw the below article on facebook last
night, and my heart broke as I read it. I have come to believe as a result of
numerous things such as this article that people of today’s world have lost
sight of what marriage truly is. At some point in time, we stopped reminding
our children that marriage was created and designed by God for a specific
purpose; and because of that, the truth that inspired this article exists
If there is one topic that I have written
about more than any other, it has been this topic of marriage. That is because
I feel very strongly that our children’s future and the future of this country
depends upon what we choose to believe about marriage and family. Marriage is
so important that the first relationship that ever existed between two human
beings was the relationship between Adam and Eve, the first marriage. When God
first created marriage, He didn’t just create a bunch of different women and
tell Adam to pick the one that he liked the best. No. He caused Adam to fall
into a deep sleep, He took one of His ribs, used that rib to form Eve, and then
said, “This is your wife.” I don’t think we often enough realize the
significance of that.

I don’t date and I certainly won’t get married because
someone hits me with an ultimatum, because that’s not what marriage is all
about. If I do indeed get married one of these days, it will be because God
brings one very special lady into my life and says, “Marry her. I have work for
the two of you to do.” That’s because here is the ultimatum: marriage is not
about you. It’s not about not being alone for the rest of your life. It’s about
glorifying God. It’s about having an ever-present reminder that God loved this
sin-cursed world so much that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”
(Romans 5:8). That’s what marriage is all about.
Do you know that love today? Have you acknowledged Jesus
Christ as the Lord of your life? If you have not, I pray that you would do so
before it’s eternally too late for you. If you will turn from all sin and trust
Christ alone to save you, He will save you today and keep you saved forever.