And ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free.
John 8:32
Ordinarily, I would agree that she should have simply
resigned, as I have never been a believer in fighting one’s employer in the
name of religious freedom. If my employer refuses to work with me, I have no
desire to work for them. However, since Kim Davis is an elected official, I
believe this case is a little bit different than it would be in the case of an
average employee working in, say, a department store. Not only was Mrs. Davis
elected by people who no doubt were full aware of her firmly held belief in God’s
definition of marriage, but it is also highly likely that the majority of the
people affected by her decisions as county clerk share her same belief, as it
is common knowledge that most Americans still believe in traditional marriage. And
since she is an elected official, she would also have to go through the
impeachment process in order to be relieved of her job rather than simply being
fired, which is another point entirely in and of itself.
I think it is important to note Judge David Bunning’s
statement that simply fining Mrs. Davis would not be enough to change her mind,
because it proves that his motive to sentencing her to jail goes far beyond
simply making sure that justice has been served. If the goal was just to ensure
that homosexual “marriage” licenses were issued in Rowan County, Kentucky, all
that would need to be done would be to impeach Mrs. Davis and replace her with
someone else who would issue the licenses; however, this judge had something more
in mind when he made his decision. He didn’t want just anyone to issue the
licenses. No. He wanted Kim Davis herself to issue the licenses. And if he
couldn’t make her do it by instating heavy fines, he thought that maybe he
could make her sweat it out in jail. Not only would that teach Mrs. Davis a
lesson, but it would also send a message to all those who disagree with the
progressive left that says, “You may not have to agree with us privately, but
we will force you to conform to our beliefs publically.” This is not about Kim
Davis’s refusal to issue “marriage” licenses, but it’s all about proving a
point that no one goes against the liberal left and gets away with it.
Lastly, in reality, Kim Davis has broken no law because
homosexual marriage is still not legal anywhere
within the United States of America. You see, the Supreme Court, in spite of
what our liberal-minded president would like to believe, does not have the
authority to pass a law on anything. That is not what they are there for. The
Supreme Court can say whether or not they believe a certain law in question is
constitutional, but they have never possessed the power to write or enact any
such law. That, in and of itself, is unconstitutional. In order for a certain
idea to become a law, it must first go through the president and congress,
which the idea of homosexual “marriage” has still yet to do; therefore making
any and all homosexual “marriage” licenses issued in any state since the SCOTUS
decision absolutely worthless. And no one can break a law that never existed.
Again, this is not about one woman’s religious beliefs, but
about a progressive presidential administration that is spinning out of
control. Until congresses passes a written law that says that homosexual “marriage”
is now legal in all fifty states, I believe it is the duty of county clerks
everywhere, regardless of what their religious convictions may be, to refuse to
issue “marriage” licenses to homosexual couples because they are still nothing
more than a worthless piece of paper. This is about judicial tyranny, folks. It’s
about one branch of the government thinking it is superior to all others. If
they can get away with homosexual “marriage,” what will they try to get away
with next?
You don’t have to be a Christian today to agree with what I’ve
said here. However, if you have not yet acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Lord
of your life, I’d like to encourage you to come to do so before it is eternally
too late for you. If you will turn from all sin and trust Christ alone to save
you, He will save you today and keep you saved forever.
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