Everyone who knows me knows that I
simply cannot stand Santa Claus. And my children—when I have children—will
never receive so much as one gift from him. They will never sit upon his lap in
the mall, or send him so much as one letter. You will never find a replica of
him in my house, either. As you can imagine, I have had many people ask me why
I have such a bitter hatred for the mythological man with rosy red cheeks who
wears a large red suit and travels around the whole world in one night to bring
every child great joy, so I thought I would take the time today to explain to
you the answer to that question.
Simply and very bluntly put, Santa
Claus is a lie straight from Hell that was designed to confuse children about
the true meaning of Christmas. Sadly, many parents—including many Christians—have
never come to this realization. I grew up receiving gifts from Santa. But after
a conversation with one of my high school teachers, I began to question whether
or not Santa is really as harmless as he seems. That was when I thought long
and hard about the song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” After all, everything
there is to know about Santa Claus is written in that song; therefore, if I was
going to find anything wrong with Santa Claus, that is where I would find it.

My teacher explained that “He sees
you when you’re sleeping/ He knows when you’re awake/ He knows if you’ve been
bad or good” makes Santa equal with God. He made a very good point. After I got
to thinking about it, I realized that Santa Clause is not just an attempt to
take Christ out of Christmas; Santa Claus is an attempt to do away with a
higher moral being altogether. Santa Claus is an entirely atheistic idea,
really. I was able to come to that conclusion by reading the last part of that
verse of the song: “So be good for goodness sake.” Did you get that? Santa
Claus is teaching children to be good just for the sake of being good. But who
is to say what is good without God? If it is humanity that defines right and
wrong, what is right and wrong can change. However, God never changes, and
neither do His standards.
We need to be teaching our children
that they should be good because God said so. Our children need to know that
they are to obey their parents because God said so. They need to know that it is
wrong to lie and to steal because God said so. Fornication, adultery, murder
are wrong because God said so. Our children
need to know that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). We are all one hundred percent morally accountable to
God, and that is what we need to be teaching our children.
I love Christmas! Christmas is the
celebration of the birth of my Lord, my Savior. When I have children of my own,
I want to use this time of year to teach them that Jesus was born to live a
sinless life and then die on an old, rugged cross for their sins. I look
forward to teaching my children that—despite what everybody else says—Christmas
is not a time for family, friends, or giving; Christmas is a time for honoring
the One that gave His life for us.
I pray this post has provided you
with information you needed to know what Christmas is all about. And I
earnestly pray that this post will cause you to reconsider whether or not your
children should receive any gifts from Santa Claus this year. I am here to tell
you today that your decision will impact their lives forever.
As always, if you do not know Jesus
Christ as Lord of your life, I pray that you will come to do so today. If you
will repent of your sin and trust Jesus alone to save you, He will save you
today and keep you saved forever.