Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the
salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be salted? It is
thenceforth good for nothing,
but to be cast out, and to be trodden under
foot of men.
Matthew 5:13

If you live in upstate SC, you are no doubt aware of the current
controversy surrounding local megachurch NewSpring and its pastor, Perry Noble.
For years, I have had my reservations about the so-called “church” for one
reason. I haven’t heard very many messages preached by Perry Noble, so that
couldn’t be it. I have only observed its rock concert-like worship style once,
so that really couldn’t be it, either. No. My main concern with NewSpring has
always been a lack of evidence of true change in the lives of its members. Jesus
said in Matthew 7:16-18, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good
tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring
forth good fruit.”
What the Lord was saying in that particular
passage of Scripture is that we can make educated observations about someone’s
salvation by the way they choose to live their lives. If they are clearly
walking in the truth, growing in the Word, loving what He loves and hating what
He hates, we can safely say that they most likely are in a right relationship
with the Lord. However, if they clearly are not regularly feeding on the Word
of God and if they aren’t living their lives according to the plan He has laid
out for them in His Word, we have serious reason to doubt their salvation. This
is exactly why I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the thousands of
conversions that have supposedly taken place at NewSpring over the past fifteen
You may say, “Well, how can you say these
things”? When you sit in a restaurant and
hear the lady behind you tell her friend that she attends NewSpring because she
can be open about the fact that she and her boyfriend are living together
before marriage and not have people judge her, you wise up. It doesn’t take too
many times of hearing the people in front of you in class who you know attend
NewSpring discussing the raunchiest shows on television for you to know that
something just isn’t right. And when someone else you know attends NewSpring
comes in on Monday and brags about how she got drunk with her friends over the
weekend, you tend to question things.
On James Duncan’s blog, Pajama Pages, one commenter wrote, “This
is really the crux of the issue with NewSpring. There is a lot of good
marketing that gets people there, but there is not a lot [of] sound teaching
that gets believers to ‘grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.’
I’ve come across many who have been baptized by NewSpring and regularly
[attend]: open lesbian couples, cohabitating couples, and the like. They go
there because they know they won’t be ‘judged’ there.” But if Perry Noble is
really preaching the life-changing, earth-shattering truth of God’s Word, how
can this be?
John 3:19 tells us, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and
men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
Darkness dwells with darkness, and light with light. The two simply do not mix.
When light enters a room full of darkness, all darkness leaves immediately;
however, when darkness enters a room full of darkness, there is simply more
darkness. The fact is there are only two possible things that can happen when
someone who does not know the Lord listens to the preaching of His Word: either
they will be convicted, embrace the conviction and seek to learn more about the
Lord Jesus, eventually giving their heart and life to him, or they will be
convicted and run from the conviction. Those living in disobedience to the Word
of God don’t usually attend Bible believing churches for very long. The fact
that NewSpring is filled with members who live in blatant disobedience to God’s
Word suggests that the entire truth of the Bible may indeed not be being preached
there, for darkness doesn’t dwell with light.
The title of this blog post is “Pass the
Salt.” The Bible commands us to be the salt of the earth. Have you ever gotten
salt in an open wound? It didn’t feel too good, did it? In fact, it burns
something awful. Salt is a good healer, but in fighting the infection it brings
serious pain. That is the effect the Word of God ought to have on a person who
is living outside of God’s will for their life. People will either embrace the
conviction and get right with God, or they will turn and run as fast they can
in the opposite direction. Not too many will sit and listen week after week,
year after year with no change of heart. If they do, it’s because the salt has
lost its power.
May we all live salty lives, encouraging
others to get right with the Lord, and may “your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew
5:16). This is what Adrian Rogers meant when he used to say, “Witness always,
using words when necessary.”
Do you know the Lord today? Have you
embraced His calling to surrender your entire life to Him? If not, it is my
prayer that you would come to do so before it is eternally too late for you. If
you will turn from all sin and trust Christ alone to save you, He will save you
today and keep you saved forever.
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