I don’t know much about this particular movie because, quite frankly, I don’t want to know about it. However, from what I gathered from the commercial, it is about three men who are unhappy with their marriages so their wives give them a “week off from marriage.” The whole theme of this movie not only attacks fidelity, but it attacks marriage altogether. All throughout the history of television, we have seen marriage portrayed as a prison. The media tells us that we have to be committed because we are married. However, the Bible doesn’t teach that we have to; the Bible teaches that we get to. The Bible tells us that it is a privilege to serve and to love our spouse.
Hollywood teaches that young people should play the field—“Don’t throw your life away; there are plenty of fish in the sea.” That’s funny because I can’t find that anywhere in God’s Word. God gave Adam Eve because God knew that Adam couldn’t make it alone. Two heads really are better than one. Therefore we gain life through marriage; not lose it.
When the Christian-based movie Fireproof came out in 2008, marriages were restored and homes were healed. However, I predict the exact opposite result from this movie. I foresee homes being torn apart, lives of innocent children being scarred by divorce. You may think I am overreacting, but I certainly don’t. And I know God doesn’t think I am. You see, this isn’t merely a movie; this is a war. Satan knows that, if he can wreak havoc in the home, he can destroy our nation.
Infidelity has become a virtue. You don’t believe me? Go watch Sister Wives. Hollywood says that it doesn’t matter what kind of home a child is raised in as long as that child is happy. There’s one problem with that—God doesn’t create children to be happy; He creates them to be holy. Not too long ago, a movie came out entitled The Kids Are Alright. That movie is about two lesbians who “successfully” raised a so-called family. And as this garbage continues in this nation, this nation will continue to crumble.
We as Christians must fall to our knees and thank God for our families, and dedicate our families to Him. And we must pray for this country, that one by one lives would be made new by His redeeming love. But remember that it starts with you. We as individuals must abstain from all evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22), seeking God’s hand on our lives. Adrian Rogers wisely said that our greatest fear ought not to be that God would put His hand on us, but that God would take His hand off. Look through the Bible and you will find that, every time it is said that “God gave them up” or “God gave them over,” it was because of this sin—marital unfaithfulness. Without homes on fire for God, America cannot and will not survive.
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