God never ceases to amaze me. The Duggars are "celebrities." They have a popular reality show on TLC. I would have never imagined that anyone on TLC would be as on fire for God as this family. Neither would I have imagined that a normal biblical Christian family would be as popular as they are. But somehow God, in a way that only He can, has caused the world's love for this family to enable this family to share the love of God.
This family is the real deal. If the Duggars did not have the blessing of God upon them, I am convinced that their show would have already been taken off the air. I have seen God use their family to convict those set in their wicked ways. And I have seen God bless many lives and draw people closer to Him.
If you have not seen "19 Kids and Counting," I encourage you to join me in watching it tomorrow night on TLC at 9:00. Also, please join me in praying that God would continue to use the Duggars to bring many people all around the world to salvation in Jesus Christ.
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