The other night I found a video clip on YouTube of Mark Lowry. In that clip he made a very interesting and true statement. He said, “I would be an atheist too, if I had that much faith.” I always marvel at how atheists ridicule us Christians for professing faith in the Lord Jesus, yet they have to have a lot more faith than we do to believe in evolution. Atheists actually believe that nothing created everything; that is much harder to believe than God created the universe.
You see, Mr. Coyote, you asked for evidence; I have a whole world full of evidence. Romans 1:20 says, “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” The Bible says that you are without excuse because you have seen the evidence of God’s existence in creation.
I don’t know if you have picked up on this yet, but creationists have something going for them that evolutionists don’t. There are no missing parts to creationism. However, there is one huge part of evolutionism that can never be found. That missing part is an example of something evolving into another thing.
Birds are born as birds. Cats are born as cats. Monkeys are born as monkeys. Humans are born as humans. When is the last time that a zookeeper has shown up for work to find out that what was a monkey the day before is now a human? The truth is it has never happened and it never will. If the universe evolved, why did it all of a sudden stop evolving? If evolution is a fact of life, why is it not still happening?
If you came into my house and saw the oil painting that is on my living room wall and I told you that it started out a hundred years ago as one splotch of black paint in the middle of a paper napkin, you would have reason to think that I was a lunatic. There is a reason Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Saying that the universe evolved out of nothing is like saying that a complex oil painting evolved out of one tiny dot of ink on a paper napkin; it is preposterous. The complexity of the work says that it was carefully and painstakingly made. You, my friend, are fearfully and wonderfully made; act like it (Psalm 139:14).
You are the one that needs to open up his eyes and truly see. Years ago a secular songwriter wrote, “I see skies of blue…clouds of white/ Bright blessed days…dark sacred nights/ And I think to myself…what a wonderful world.” Please, take off the blindfold of sin and look at all the blessings that God has given you.
God loves this wretched, old world so much that He sent His one and only Son to die on an old, rugged cross for you and me. Isaiah 53:5 says that “He was wounded for [your] transgressions…and with His stripes [you can be] healed.” Please turn from all sin and trust Jesus as Lord of your life today. I promise it will be the best decision you ever make.
On the subject, Ray will be giving a call to the Atheist Experience TV show this sunday - I highly suggest you check it out.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you found the new blog, JD!
ReplyDelete[Disclaimer: due the Guideline 3 of this blog comments regarding the rejection of comments with links, I will just mention the presence of link, and I'll send them in a second comment. I hope the blog owner has the courtesy of approve this and the link comment]
ReplyDeleteI am really impressed about how few you really know and understand what evolution really is, and how easily you dismiss it with so flawed arguments.
> I always marvel at how atheists ridicule us
> Christians for professing faith in the Lord
> Jesus, yet they have to have a lot more faith
> than we do to believe in evolution.
I’d like to remember you Hebrews 11:1 (KJV):
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
So the Bible says faith is the evidence of things _not seen_. Therefore if you have physical evidence for something, that falls _outside_ the realm of faith, as you could actually see the evidence.
Now in case of evolution:
Is evolution a bold assertion with no real physical evidence to see, so there is no option but to jump to faith (in Hebrews 11:1 fashion)?
-- Or --
Is there real evidence to see that supports evolution?
If there is no evidence for evolution, the only way to take it as true is to have faith, and you are right; If there is physical evidence for evolution that anyone could see and review, then you are wrong.
And, the fact is that there are a lot of evidences for evolution, not only from paleontology, but for almost every branch of science.
If you want to assert there is no evidence, then you should explain what all this evidence accounts for: “29+ Evidences for Macroevolution. The Scientific Case for Common Descent” [LINK1]
And that is just an example. Please use Google and read serious scientific information about evolution.
> You see, Mr. Coyote, you asked for evidence; I
ReplyDelete> have a whole world full of evidence. Romans
> 1:20 says, “…” The Bible says that you are
> without excuse because you have seen the
> evidence of God’s existence in creation.
Are you serious? Is _that_ your best evidence?
Sadly, I think you are serious, and your evidence is far from being convincing. This is why:
What if a muslin join you in the street, and told you “Hey, you infidel! Convert to Islam and accept Alah as the real God and Mohamet as his prophet!”. “What?”, you could naturally ask, “Have you any evidence that is even near to prove you right?”. “Of course”, the muslim says, “I have a whole world full evidence! The Quram says '…', and then you could see the creation around you and you cannot deny this marvelous world exist, so therefore Alah is real”.
If you still don´t understand the point: EVERY religion worth of hearing of has a cosmology that takes account of how this world and all the creation happens to be created. So, EVERY religion could assert, using their own traditions and their own holy books as “evidence”, that it is the reality itself what proofs their god as the real God. Could you deny them as false, as the world you see around you IS REAL?
Of course you will reject that claims! Just saying “my preferred holy book says so and the world around you is the proof of the existence of my god” will not be any proof for you.
Because for accepting that claim first you have to believe in their religion as true just because.
If you understand that: Do you see the problem on your own assertion? The only way to accept your claim as evidence is to first accept your religion without any evidence.
Therefore your evidence for the existence of God is actually no evidence at all, as the same argument from any other religion also it is not.
> Birds are born as birds. Cats are born as
ReplyDelete> cats. Monkeys are born as monkeys. Humans are
> born as humans. When is the last time that a
> zookeeper has shown up for work to find out
> that what was a monkey the day before is now
> a human? The truth is it has never happened
> and it never will.
Your argument shows that you don´t understand at all what evolution theory claims. You are so lost that the example and the conclusion you posted is actually evidence in support of evolution!
Evolution asserts that every offspring of a living being could have small changes. Darwin does not know anything of the mechanism of how those changes occur and how they could be passed from generation to generation, but today science knows it: DNA.
Every descendent of a living being could have small changes in their DNA. If the change affects critical features for life, the mutated offspring will simply die. If the changes are not harmful but innocuous, then that change could spread over the population silently. But if that change offers any advantage for that living being offspring, then that DNA change will have a higher probability to spread into the population because it offers better chances for surviving and reproduce.
So, the mechanism of evolution predicts that life mutates and evolves in small changes. That mechanism necessarily leads to a phylogenetic tree of life. Every time a useful mutation arises, that change initiates a new branch that would never go back. The branch could eventually extinct or evolve, but never go back.
And finally, the branches of live diverge while the sum of small changes in DNA will makes the life to differentiate during eons of time, but only through small changes that could happen every hundred or thousand of generation.
Therefore if evolution is true you cannot expect a reptile to evolve into a bird in just one generation, because that abrupt change cannot be explained with "one change at a time" evolution scheme. Nor a human can “evolve” into a monkey and vice versa in a single generation. Evolution predicts you should NOT see that.
And guess what! You actually also assert so! “The truth is it has never happened and it never will” Yes, you are right! But saying that fact actually supports evolution, as it is an expected consequence predicted by evolution theory.
The absence of evidence of that kind of abrupt changes you mention is evidence in support of evolution!
> If the universe evolved, why did it all of a
ReplyDelete> sudden stop evolving? If evolution is a fact
> of life, why is it not still happening?
Evolution has never stopped, nor yesterday neither today! It is happening all around you, but for seeing that you need to really look at the evidence. Crying “nah-nah-nah” while covering your eyes to avoid seeing the evidence does not count.
Evidence for my assertions? See “Observed Instances of Speciation“ [LINK2], “Some More Observed Speciation Events” [LINK3].
- Your assertions that evolution requires faith are false.
- Your assertions the Bible and the world around you proves God exist are pretty bad evidence and proofs nothing.
- Your assertions that chimps could transform into humans can never happen actually are evidence that support evolution, and your assertions evolution is stopped are wrong.
If you continue talking about evolution without first understanding it and if you continue saying it is wrong without any proof, and if you are unable to really address the information I point you to but you keep thinking evolution is false just because you believe so, then you are fully deluded.