I'm sure you've probably noticed that I have Psalm 145:2 posted on the side of my blog. That particular verse says this, "Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name for ever and ever." Psalm 145:2 is probably my absolute favorite verse in the Bible because, to me, it tells us how we should live every single day of our lives. The first part of the verse actually says, "
Every day I will bless You." I take that literally. To me Psalm 145:2 says this, "Every day I will honor You, glorify You, and praise You with my life." The title of this blog is A Life of Praise, but it's really much more than just a title. I believe that our lives should be lives of praise. You know, two thousand years ago God sent His only Son to suffer and die on the cross to save us from our sins. And if we believe that, and He has come into our lives and changed us, then we should want ourselves to be living thank you's for what He has done. I encourage you to memorize this verse and write it down somewhere that you will see it every day and be reminded to live a life of praise.
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